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DOT calls for cooperation to ensure success of expanded operational capacity of restaurants in NCR

The Department of Tourism (DOT) appreciates the approval of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF- EID) to expand the seating capacity of restaurants in the National Capital Region (NCR).
Based on the Guidelines on the Pilot Implementation of Alert Levels System for COVID-19 Response in the NCR, indoor dine-in services has been increased to 20 percent seating capacity for fully vaccinated individuals with additional 10 percent for tourism establishments granted a Safety Seal by the government.
Meanwhile, al fresco dine-in services shall remain at 30 percent of the restaurant’s outdoor seating capacity, also with additional 10 percent if establishment is a Safety Seal recipient.
“It is worth noting that the IATF-EID backed the proposal as 99 percent of tourism workers employed in DOT-accredited hotels and restaurants in Metro Manila have been inoculated against Covid-19, enthused Tourism Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat.
The DOT and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) recently released a Joint Memorandum Circular detailing the health and safety guidelines governing the operations of indoor and outdoor dine-in services under the alert levels system.
“We are confident with the cooperation of our tourism stakeholders — guests, workers and hotel and restaurant operators — to ensure the safe reopening of restaurants to a higher number of guests by strictly observing the new seating capacity,” she added.
While at it, the tourism chief also encouraged the public to patronize DOT-accredited establishments as their employees are already vaccinated and their operations are strictly monitored by the Department to ensure the observance of health and safety protocols.
Published:October 1, 2021