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Message of Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat on the celebration of World Tourism Day

The Philippine Department of Tourism (PDOT) is one with the world in celebrating the World Tourism Day.
This year’s theme, “Tourism for Inclusive Growth”, parallels our vision for a better normal and aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly number 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth. This crisis has highlighted the opportunity for the Philippines’ tourism industry to build back better, shifting its narrative toward resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth.
Our plans and programs for the rest of 2021 and until the first half of 2022 will be devoted to activities that will protect livelihoods and the workforce, as well as broadening and deepening the roots of community engagement, capitalizing on the country’s strengths.
The Department will continue the push for the vaccination of its tourism workers, the enforcement of health and safety guidelines, and the development of tourism products and circuits that reflect the changing preferences of the traveler amidst this pandemic.
We look forward to the day when we can join other nations in welcoming foreign travelers. We are preparing for the return of inbound tourism, ensuring that our destinations are safe and our programs are sustainable.
We join the UNWTO in its call to move forward and work together to build a more prosperous and peaceful world through tourism. Tourism has the power to change and uplift lives, and as we head towards national economic recovery, we are committed to leaving no one behind.
Together, we will recover as one.
Published:September 27, 2021