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The Department of Tourism (DOT) issues a reminder to all concerned stakeholders in the tourism industry following IATF Resolution No. 130-A placing the NCR under a more stringent General Community Quarantine with Heightened Restrictions (GCQ-HR) from July 30 to August 5, 2021, and on a two-week Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) beginning August 6 until August 20, 2021.
In the interim week under the GCQ-HR, point-to-point (P2P) flights for leisure are suspended, effective immediately. However, returning flights are allowed for tourists residing in the NCR Plus (NCR, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal).
To prevent congestion in the borders of NCR, any type of non-essential travel to and from the NCR Plus shall be prohibited. Only the travel of Authorized Persons Outside their Residences (APORs) in and out of NCR Plus shall be allowed.
Indoor tourist attractions may not operate, and staycations shall not be allowed. DOT-accredited accommodation establishments (AEs) outside of NCR Plus may no longer accept leisure guests from NCR Plus beginning today, regardless of the date of booking.
Those who are already checked-in for staycation in staycation hotels as of 29 July 2021, however, may continue their stay until the last day of their original booking.
DOT-accredited AEs may only accommodate those required to undergo quarantine, long stay guests as defined in DOT Administrative Order No. 2021-004-A, health and emergency frontline services personnel who need easy access to their place of work, and APORs who require accommodation pursuant to their official function or duty.
Mass gatherings, including social events and Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (M.I.C.E), will continue to be prohibited. Dining in restaurant establishment premises shall not be allowed starting 01 August 2021.
The DOT urges its stakeholders, particularly the hotel operators, travel agencies and airlines, to allow affected guests to rebook without charges.
The National Task Force Vaccine Cluster is ramping up efforts to vaccinate tourism workers in more destinations across the country. The cooperation of all will be vital to the success of the government’s current efforts to inoculate more individuals against the virus and curb the spread of COVID-19.
Published:July 30, 2021