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Statement of the DOT on IATF-EID Resolution 118A

The Department of Tourism (DOT) welcomes the decision of the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) to allow travel for leisure purposes for all ages from the NCR Plus Bubble, subject to restrictions.
In its Resolution No. 118A, the Task Force allowed leisure travel to and from NCR Plus bubble from June 1 to 15, 2021 to areas under a Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ). Travelers below 18 and above 65 years old shall be subject to an RT-PCR test-before-travel requirement.
Such travel shall also be point-to-point only, which means that while pit stops or stopovers are allowed for eating and personal necessities, no side trips shall be made to other tourism destinations.
“On behalf of the DOT, I thank our colleagues in the IATF for this development. Allowing leisure travel for all ages from the NCR Plus Bubble to MGCQ Areas will surely help local tourism back on track towards recovery,” said Tourism Secretary Berna Romulo-Puyat.
NCR Plus covers Metro Manila and the surrounding provinces of Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, and Rizal.
Other interzonal travel regulations set by the LGUs concerned, or, in the case of Boracay Island, those imposed by the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force (BIATF), shall also apply.
“We are looking forward to once again see our tourism destinations welcome tourists from the NCR Plus area. Of course, this has to be done with utmost precaution. The DOT shall continue to strengthen its coordination with our LGUs to ensure the strict compliance of health and safety protocols,” Puyat said.
“We continue to count on travelers to comply with minimum health protocols. I know our kababayans have been wanting to go out and enjoy during the summertime, but let us practice responsibility to protect ourselves and the communities in your chosen destinations,” Puyat added.
Published:June 1, 2021