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Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Bernadette Romulo–Puyat reminds tourism stakeholders, particularly hotel and resort entrepreneurs to secure a DOT Certificate of Authority to Operate before going back to business under the Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ).
“All Accommodation Establishments that intend to commence commercial operations in Community Quarantine Zones, whether for the accommodation of guests or operations of in-house food facilities for take–out or delivery, shall secure a DOT Certificate of Authority to Operate prior to any operations,” stressed the Tourism Chief quoting Section 3 of the Administrative Order 2020-002 otherwise known as the Guidelines on the Operations of Hotels and other Accommodation Establishments under a Community Quarantine.
Puyat reminds businesses that commencement of operations without DOT Certificate of Authority to Operate may subject the AE to the relevant penalties under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
Puyat explains that “Application for such certification is FREE. DOT–accredited hotels and other AEs need only to submit to the DOT Regional Office with jurisdiction over their area the Letter of Intent to Operate, while Non–DOT–accredited hotels and AEs will need to apply for accreditation to ensure compliance of basic requirements.”
Meanwhile, Tourism Congress of the Philippines (TCP) President Jose Clemente III sees “optimism on the continuing commitment of AEs to support a safe tourist experience and ensure healthy travel”.
Initially focusing on domestic tourism, the DOT places primary importance on the safety and health of tourists and tourism workers. Thus, All AEs that are accredited and authorized by the DOT, will be required to comply with the DOT Health and Safety Guidelines for Accommodation Establishments Under the New Normal based on protocols issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Philippine Department of Health (DOH).
Secretary Puyat reiterates that tourism stakeholders must closely coordinate with their respective local government units in the assessment of the actual readiness of their areas to support resumption of tourism activities.
Moreover, the DOT enjoins tourism stakeholders, particularly entrepreneurs, to defer to the strict guidelines issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) in connection with the reopening of businesses in the transition from one community quarantine level to another.
Section [7], No. 3 states: “The interzonal movement of persons between areas placed under GCQ and MGCQ for any purpose other than leisure shall be permitted, while Section [7], No. 4 states, “Movement to and from an area placed under GCQ to an area where no community quarantine is in place shall be permitted, except for the sole purpose of leisure. The movement of persons for any purpose across areas placed under MGCQ and areas where no community quarantine is in place shall be permitted.”
The Department of Tourism (DOT), together with the Tourism Congress of the Philippines (TCP) underscores the need for all Accommodation Establishments (AEs) that intend to commence operations once their respective areas are under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ), whether for the accommodation of guests or operations of in-house food facilities for take-out or delivery, to be accredited with the DOT and secure a DOT Certificate of Authority to Operate prior to resumption of any operations.
Application for such certification is FREE. DOT–accredited AEs need only to submit to the DOT Regional Office with jurisdiction over their area the Letter of Intent to Operate, while Non-DOT-accredited AEs will need to apply for accreditation to ensure compliance with requirements.
TCP President Jojo Clemente expressed optimism on the continuing commitment of AEs to support a safe tourist experience and ensure healthy travel. He noted that the partnership between DOT and private sector stakeholders is key to paving a steady, safe and productive restart of tourism across the country.
AEs that resume operations without the DOT accreditation and the DOT Certificate of Authority may be subject to the relevant penalties under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
As the DOT gears to push for domestic tourism, it places primary importance on the safety and health of tourists and tourism workers. All AEs that are accredited and authorized to operate by the DOT, will be required to comply with the DOT Health and Safety Guidelines for Accommodation Establishments Under the New Normal based on protocols issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Philippine Department of Health (DOH).
The DOT and TCP enjoin tourism stakeholders, particularly entrepreneurs, to also defer to the guidelines issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) ON reopening of businesses while transitioning from one community quarantine level to another.
Secretary Bernadette Romulo–Puyat reiterates that tourism stakeholders must closely coordinate with their respective local government units in assessing the actual readiness of their areas to support resumption of tourism activities.
Published:March 9, 2021